Have you logged into your Google Analytics account and seen this ominous-looking countdown clock? Yes, the end is near… for Google’s Universal Analytics at least. Google’s new GA4 will officially take over effective July 1st. If you’re an Engage client, don’t fret – we implemented GA4 on your site over a year ago with this date in mind. If you’re not… Well, let’s just say you might want to book a call with us in the VERY near future (see countdown clock!).
To be clear, this is NOT an optional update you sometimes see on your mobile phone or computer. It is a required step to continue to receive Google Analytics data. The sooner companies implement GA4, the better.
I won’t go into the specific differences between Universal Analytics and GA4, we have blog posts on that exact subject- Blog Post- GA4 Intro. No, I want to make sure you are ready for the transition because it looks like this time Google is serious. On July 1, 2023, all data in Google Analytics will become read-only and no longer process new information.
Ready or not, here comes GA4…
Have a great rest of your week.
President and Founder, Engage Media
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