State University Enrollment

72% increase in site traffic

80% of applications driven by digital

87% Program Enrollment

Client Challenge:

A state university launched 14 new programs that they need to drive immediate enrollment. The university wanted to quickly drive-up site traffic and increase applications on the website. The primary goals of the campaign were to (1) Increase site traffic and online application submissions (2) Achieve full enrollment for all 14programs

The Solution:

With such urgency to fill seats, the campaign focused on a full funnel mix of tactics that included social, paid search, targeted display, site direct display and print.The strategy included media that indexed high among the target audience and provided high exposure and frequency across all platforms.

The Results:

The campaign performed well and surpassed client expectations. Given that it was a conversion-based campaign, the media team kept a close eye on performance and made timely optimizations based on performance.The campaign produced the following results:
-a 72 percent increase in site traffic where digital tactics were responsible for over 80% of the total applications
-achieved 87% Enrollment in new programs

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