Premier Fitness & Social Club Relaunch

83% of memberships achieved within 5-months

79% of club tours were the result of digital placements

81% of site traffic from digital placements was new users

Client Challenge:

A premier sporting club closed its doors in March of 2020 as result of the pandemic.The club was completely reimagined, with more than 100,000 square-feet of best-in-class fitness, innovative training space and a full range of unparalleled lifestyle amenities for members and guests, making it one of the city’s premier fitness, wellness and lifestyle club. The Club had close to 4,000 members prior to the massive renovation and wanted to get memberships back up to that level as quickly as possible.

The Solution:

Engage executed a cross-channel, highly targeted paid media campaign that included tactics that effectively engaged with the target audience at every stage of the sales cycle with the goal of driving highly qualified leads (club tours) and membership commitments.

The Results:

The campaign is exceeding the clients' expected memberships and tour goals for Q1/Q2. The campaign drove over 75K users to the brand website with new visitors accounting for more than 81% of total site traffic, resulting in over 3,350 memberships in less than 5-months.

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